A prepper blog focuses on survival and self sufficiency. These websites can be made by individuals or groups and offer a range of topics. While some blogs are focused on survival, others address economic issues. A prepper blog can help anyone, regardless of whether they are looking to build a homestead and/or simply want to be prepared for the future.
Preppers Survive
If you're looking for tips and tricks to survive an emergency, you've come to the right place. Preppers Survive, a website that has over 12,000 members, is available. It offers everything you need, including how and when to start a fire. You can also subscribe to its newsletter and receive prepper content by email.

Homestead Dreamer
A Georgia family wrote this prepper blog. The blog is easy to read and clear. It focuses on practical preparation. They are funny and have good grammar. This blog has many prepper articles, including how you can grow your own food and how to build a wood stove. This blog is active on Twitter and Facebook.
Let's discuss survival
Visit Let's Talk Sustain if you want to learn more on prepping and survival. Ken Youngquist, an outdoorsman and adventurer, has written this blog. His insights on prepping and survival have been featured in the media. He also writes on food storage and the importance for eating locally grown foods.
Apartment Prepper
It's crucial to plan ahead for apartment living. Apartment dwellers may not have the space or ability to build a separate house. However, they should be prepared for all eventualities. There are several ways that you can prepare your apartment to be ready for any disaster.
Blog for Preparedness Advice
The Preparedness Advice blog is a personal blog by a Combat Veteran. It contains product reviews and survival advice. This blog cannot be used to substitute for professional advice and guidance. This blog allows free expression but not legal advice. It is not accredited by or endorsed of any medical professional. The author of Preparedness Advice blog is not responsible if any information or products are misinterpreted.

Self-Reliance/Prepper Journal
A self-reliance/prepper journal is a blog or a magazine that covers topics such as self-reliance, food preparation, and general preparedness. The blog or magazine was founded by Dave Duffy and has been around for many years. It contains articles on how to prepare for emergencies, and even a guide on food preservation.
What are the basics of survival camping?
You should prepare for every eventuality when embarking on an adventure journey. It is important to be able to adapt to extreme situations.
You must also be prepared for all kinds of weather, from hot sun to cold wind. If you fail to take these precautions you could die.
What are the most important skills to survive in the wild
When you live off the land, the most important thing to learn is how to light a fire. Not just about lighting a candle, but also how to use friction and fire flint to start a campfire. It is also important to learn how to keep from getting burned by the flames.
You will need to be able to construct shelter from natural materials like leaves, grasses and trees. These materials will help you stay warm at night. And finally, you'll need to know how much water you need to survive.
Other survival skills
Although they can help you survive, they are not as essential as knowing how to light an open fire. Although you can eat many different types of plants and animals, if your fire is not lit, you will be unable to cook them.
You will also need to know where and how to find food, including edible animals. This is important because you could be starving or becoming sick if you don’t know.
Why are knot-tying skills important for survival
All over the world, knots are used to attach ropes and fishing lines to ladders and other items. They can also be used to tie bags shut, secure objects to trees, or create shelters. When you are required to tie yourself to a tree, rope, or secure your shelter, the ability to make knots can be a lifesaver.
What is your most valuable survival tool in case you get lost?
The compass tells us which way north is. The compass also shows how far you have traveled from your starting point. The compass may not always help you find your way if you're travelling to a mountainous area. However, if you're in a flat area, the compass should be able to show you the way.
For those who don't have a compasse, you can use a rock or tree as a guide. Even though you still need a landmark to help you orient yourself, it's a good idea to have one.
What's the time taken to find help once you are lost?
It all depends on several factors.
Wherever you are
Which type of terrain are you in?
No matter whether you have cell reception
Whether someone has seen you
It doesn't matter if your are hurt
It doesn't matter if you're dehydrated
You have been drinking water?
How recently have you eaten?
It does not matter if your clothing is appropriate
Whether you are carrying a map or compass
Are you familiar with the area?
How much time has passed since you became lost
How long did it take you to search for help?
What is the average time it takes for people to notice what you are missing?
How quickly they decide to search for you
How many rescuers are you able to attract?
How many rescues has your family received?
- The downside to this type of shelter is that it does not generally offer 360 degrees of protection and unless you are diligent in your build or have some kind of tarp or trash bags, it will likely not be very resistant to water. (hiconsumption.com)
- Without one, your head and neck can radiate up to 40 percent of your body heat. (dec.ny.gov)
- so you can be 100 percent hands-free, and there's less chance you'll put your torch down and lose it. (nymag.com)
- Not only does it kill up to 99.9% of all waterborne bacteria and parasites, but it will filter up to 1,000 liters of water without the use of chemicals. (hiconsumption.com)
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How To
How to Find Edible Animals and Plants during Emergencies
In an emergency situation, edible plants and animal food are essential. They should be included in your survival kit because they can provide nutrients and energy for you without access to normal foods. They can also be used to make cosmetics and medicines.
Knowing where they grow is essential. Also, you need to know what conditions they prefer, such as climate, soil type and weather. This will enable you to quickly identify them. Unfortunately, you won't be able to know all the details of every animal and plant species. Fortunately, some general rules apply to most plants and animals.
You can assume that a plant or animal likes moist soil if it's found near water. If you see leaves with shiny surfaces, it means that the plant has been watered recently. If you see ants around a plant, you can assume that the plant provides nectar for pollinators. These simple observations are a great way to save time when you need to find animals or plants that can be used in emergencies.
If you want to learn more about edible plants and animals, you can read books written by experts specializing in botany or zoology. You can also view documentaries and speak with rural residents. It's easy to learn about animals and plants by following the steps below.
Look for animals and plants that grow near water.
Be aware of the growth patterns of animals and plants.
Learn about the natural habitats of plants and animals. For instance, you might search for areas that have a specific soil type, climate or vegetation.
Identify the parts of plants and animals that you can eat.
Learn how you can cook both animals and plants.
Practice eating wild plants and animals so that you become familiar with their taste.
Take care when collecting wild animals and plants. Pick only endangered species.
It is important to properly store wild plants and animals. You should keep them away from direct sunlight, and keep them cool and dry.
Always wash your hands after handling wild plants and animals.
Before you consume fruits or vegetables, wash them.
If you aren't sure, don't eat raw meat or fish.