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How to teach your kids survival skills

how to tell if a plant is edible

If you are a parent wondering how to teach your kids survival skills you can begin by going hiking or camping together. To help them find their way home if they are lost, point out landmarks. Show them how to make fire and purify water. This will help them stay alive in the wilderness. You'll also teach them how to be healthy and avoid junk food. Are there other ways to teach survival skills for children?

Learn to build shelters out of the wilderness

If you've ever hiked into the wilderness, or even camped in one, you know how hard it can be to find supplies. You can survive by learning how to build shelters in wilderness. Here are some guidelines for building wilderness shelters. The first step is to decide where you want camp. You should choose a place that is far from major dangers. Then find a flat location that is easily accessible for building materials.

what to eat for survival

Start a fire

A fire is an essential survival skill. However, it can be hard to light a flame in stressful circumstances. It is important to keep your head up because making a fire requires a lot of mental effort. To make a fire more easily, try to warm up your hands. It is harder to light a fire with cold hands, which can slow down the process. Practice in different environments can help you relax. Make sure to prepare plenty of fuel to last you a while.

Find food

If you intend to spend any amount of time in the wild, it is essential that you learn how to find food. Many animals have a creative way of finding food, including plants and animals. Birds can see up to 100 miles away and can reach for food using their talons. It is important to learn how you can find and harvest food in the wilderness. Learning how to locate food will help you live longer.

Purify water

Knowing how to purify drinking water is an essential survival skill. But there are many other methods. Although snow and ice can be used to obtain water, melting ice can be used to make potable. In the event of an emergency, you can use the blue tinted water from icebergs to make freshwater. It is not possible to purify water made from snow or ice. But you can make use of snow or condensation. Regardless of where you gather your water, it is essential to boil it before you use it, to sterilize it, and make it potable.

Identify plants

Learning to identify plants is an important survival skill. If you are able to identify plants correctly, they can provide food, cordage, or topical salves. But, it is important to remember that learning how to identify plants can be a tedious process and the rewards may not last. If you learn to identify plants correctly, you can reap these benefits in the long run. This knowledge is useful for natural disasters, such as when the only recourse is to look up the plants you have selected.

survival books

Trust your instincts

It is vital to trust your instincts during a time of crisis. Gut feelings are often the first to respond to danger. These instincts can make or break your life. They are an integral part of who and what you are. They can lead to more effective solutions, no matter if they are based in common sense or deep intuition. Here are three examples where it is important to trust your instincts.


What is the best tool to survive?

The most important tool for survival is a sharp knife. It can't be any knife. It must have a sharp edge. If you don’t know the proper way to use it, it won’t be very useful.

A knife without a blade is useless. A knife with an unattractive blade is dangerous.

Master craftsmen know how to create the finest knives. They take pride in their work and make sure that every knife is flawless.

They keep their blades clean and sharpen them regularly.

It should feel comfortable in your hand when you are buying a knife. You should feel comfortable holding it.

You should not notice any marks on the handle.

If you do find such flaws, ask the seller to fix them. Don't accept a knife that doesn't feel good in your hands.

Why is knot-tying important for survival?

Knots are used by people all over the world to tie together items such as ropes, fishing lines, ladders, etc. They can also be used to tie bags shut, secure objects to trees, or create shelters. A basic skill, making knots, can save lives.

What should you do immediately in a crisis situation?

Assessing the situation is the first thing you should do in an emergency. You need to know what is happening around you, where you are and how you got there.

Also, you need to be aware of what your environment can offer. You may not be capable of using any communication methods if your environment is remote.

You don't need to know everything if you don’t have any knowledge.

If you are in immediate danger, it's best to try and get help immediately. But if you're not in immediate danger, it might be worth taking some time to gather information to determine what happened.

What is the most essential item for survival?

Food is the most important thing that you must have to survive. You also need shelter from the elements, which are not as essential as food. You won't live long if you don't eat.

How do you choose the best knife to suit your needs?

It can be difficult to find the right knife for your needs. There are so many companies that claim to have the best knives.

But which one is the best? Which one is the best?

First, consider what type of tasks your knife will perform.

Do you have the ability to cut wood or skin animals?

Are you hunting or fishing with your knife? Is it meant for camp cooking or kitchen cutting?

Will you be using it to open cans or bottles? Do you plan to open boxes or packages?

Is your knife strong enough to handle heavy loads?

You might want to clean it after each use. Do you plan to wash it frequently?

Does it need to hold its edge well over time?

What are the basic skills for survival in the wild?

It is essential to be able to make a fire, especially if you are living off the ground. It's not just a matter of lighting a match; you must learn how to start a fire using friction and flint. Also, you need to be able to avoid being burned by the flames.

You'll need to know how to build shelter from natural materials, such as trees, grasses, leaves, etc. For warmth at night you will need to learn how to best use these materials. You'll also need to know how much water is necessary to survive.

Other Survival Skills

Other things will help you stay alive, but they aren't as vital as knowing how to light a fire. Although you can eat many different types of plants and animals, if your fire is not lit, you will be unable to cook them.

You'll also need to know how best and where to find food, including edible plants and animals. This knowledge is crucial to avoid becoming sick or starving.

Why basic survival skills are important

Even though you might not have immediate access to water and food, it is possible to survive if you are prepared.

Learn how to care for yourself and others. You will not be able to handle a crisis if you don’t know how.

If you plan to go into the wilderness and need food and shelter, you should learn how to make fires and cook.

These are essential skills that every person should have. They will help you to stay safe and healthy while on a camping trip.


  • Without one, your head and neck can radiate up to 40 percent of your body heat. (dec.ny.gov)
  • We know you're not always going to be 100% prepared for the situations that befall you, but you can still try and do your best to mitigate the worst circumstances by preparing for a number of contingencies. (hiconsumption.com)
  • Not only does it kill up to 99.9% of all waterborne bacteria and parasites, but it will filter up to 1,000 liters of water without the use of chemicals. (hiconsumption.com)
  • In November of 1755, an earthquake with an estimated magnitude of 6.0 and a maximum intensity of VIII occurred about 50 miles northeast of Boston, Massachusetts. (usgs.gov)

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How To

How do you dress a wound?

Learning how to treat a wound takes time. You must know basic knowledge, such as anatomy, physiology, and medical instruments. You may inflict injuries on yourself if your experience is not sufficient. If you are interested in dressing a wound, these steps should be followed:

  1. Thoroughly clean the wound. Make sure there is no dirt or foreign material in the wound. After cleaning the wound, put gauze around it. Before touching the wound, wash your hands with clean water.
  2. Apply pressure. Apply pressure by placing two fingers beneath the skin along the edges of the wound. Press firmly but gently. This will stop bleeding.
  3. You must properly cover the wound. Sterile bandage material must be applied to the wound. The options for sterile bandages are nonwoven fabric (cotton), surgical tape, adhesive strips, and surgical tape. Keep pressing down until the wound heals completely.
  4. After treatment, be sure to monitor the wound. Monitor the wound for signs of infection. These include redness, swelling pus, fever and pain. These signs indicate that the wound is infected. Get to your doctor right away.
  5. The bandage should be removed regularly. Every day, or when there are signs of infection, change the bandage.
  6. Use soap and warm water to clean the wound. Follow the directions on your package. Avoid alcohol as it can dry up the wound.
  7. Avoid scratching the area. Scratching causes the wound to bleed again.
  8. When you take a bath, be careful. Infections can be spread by taking a bath.
  9. Always take good care of the wound. As you recover from surgery your body temperature will go up. A high temperature could cause complications. Keep the wound clean and dry.
  10. If you feel uncomfortable, get help. If you feel unwell, call 911 immediately or go to an emergency room.


How to teach your kids survival skills